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Modern Slavery Statement

Healthspan is a Guernsey and UK based direct retailer of Nutritional Supplements, Vitamins and Healthcare Products. It sources its products from around the world using regular suppliers who satisfy quality criteria assessments.

Healthspan opposes Slavery and Human Trafficking and will never knowingly conduct business with suppliers or employees who engage in such practise. It undertakes to remunerate employees at or above the minimum wage specified for that area of the world in which it is conducting business.

Healthspan conducts supplier audits of its regular suppliers. The audits are scheduled and review many aspects of the supply chain including the supplier’s policies towards environment, safety, child labour, quality control measures, slavery & human trafficking and other legal requirements. The audits also include onsite visits.

Healthspan recognises that raw material procurement in some parts of the world may operate in a higher risk environment. It therefore only acquires raw materials through established parties recognised in its industry who operate quality control regimes and have their own slavery and human trafficking policy in place. In addition in its supply agreements it requires the suppliers to certify that materials supplied comply with the laws of the countries in which those companies do business which would include legislation addressing human trafficking and slavery.

Healthspan has incorporated its policy into its staff handbook; the terms of which staff members are expected to be aware of and to comply with. The need for additional staff training in this area is considered on a case by case basis following management and staff appraisal covering the training requirement for each employee.

Policy approved by Healthspan Limited and Healthspan UK Limited Boards on 27 October 2015.

Derek Coates Signature

D.S.Coates, Chairman